RFC OEM has been established by the authorities and the infrastructure managers of the eight Member States. The standing committee of the authorities is the Executive Board, whose members are the representatives of the ministries of transport. Regulatory bodies are cooperating, if necessary. cooperation of the transport ministries, infrastructure manager companies and allocation bodies of eight countries.

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The operative bodies of the corridor were established partly following Regulation 913/2010/EU on rail freight corridors, partly with a view to the practical needs of corridor work identified by the companies establishing the Management Board.

The setup of RFC OEM organizational units is illustrated in this schematic picture.

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MB = Management Board
EB = Executive Board
RU AG = Advisory Group of Railway Undertakings
Terminal AG = Advisory Group of Terminals
WG = Working Group
C-OSS = Corridor One-Stop-Shop
TCR = Temporary Capacity Restrictions
TPM = Train Performance Management