Rail Freight Corridors PCS trainings 2024
The Rail Freight Corridors, in close cooperation with RNE (Rail Net Europe), are pleased to announce a number of PCS trainings scheduled in early 2024. The annual training focuses on the corridor specific functions in PCS, and provides you with valuable, practical insights needed for requesting Capacity on the Rail Freight Corridors for timetable 2025. Please click on the article for more details.
Publication of Reserve Capacity for timetable 2024
We are happy to announce that RFC Orient/East-Med published Reserve Capacity for timetable 2024, which is now accessible in Path Coordination System (PCS). Please click on the article for more details.
Urgent construction works at Passau border
On 24th August, German infrastructure manager DB Netz issued an information notice that a urgent construction measure is necessary to renew tracks between Passau main station and Passau border (line 5831). The associated closure times in the period from 29.09.2023 to 16.10.2023 will lead to significant restrictions for international rail freight traffic crossing the Passau border to and from Austria. Please click on the article for more details.
Urgent construction works on line Budapest - Rajka from 18th September 2023 updated: 23-10-2023
On 13th September MÁV issued a statement regarding urgent construction works on Biatorbágy - Szárliget section, which is located on main line Budapest - Rajka. Please click on the article for details.
International incident on line Szajol - Lőkösháza border updated: 11-08-2023
On 9th July at 12:07 a freight train derailed with several wagons in Hungary on line Szajol - Lőkösháza border between Tiszatenyő and Mezőtúr stations. Both tracks and the overhead line is damaged. Lőkösháza - Curtici border crossing is affected in the incident. Please click on the article for details.